Team Leadership

Three Proven Strategies For Creating A Transformational Modern Leadership Culture

Does your company have a modern leadership culture? In his latest Forbes Coaches Council article, CEO of Transcend Craig Wiley, touches on three leadership competencies that are critical to virtual environments and how, when aligned with modern leadership mindsets, they can drive collaboration and engagement across your organization.  Many CEOs have emerged from the pandemic

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A multi-ethnic group of coworkers having a discussion around a table.

How Workplace Values Impact Decision Making, Behavior, and Communication in the Workplace

As companies everywhere are feeling the pain of worker shortages and employee demands for remote work options continue to escalate, many employers worry about retaining talent and keeping their people engaged, thriving, and innovative. While there are many performance management practices that can reduce attrition and improve employee culture, conversations about the importance of shared

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Reimagining Performance Through Integrated Talent Management

Why investing in talent management is critical to your business’ bottom line. A company’s largest expense and greatest resource is its people and retaining talent. The cost of hiring an employee, on average, is $4,100 per person. This amount does not include benefits, which cost employers $15,000 per employee per year, training and development costs, and

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