Senior Executive Coach

Mike Howerton

Mike's profile picture.

As a senior executive coach, I have more than 30 years of experience in organizational leadership and personal development coaching. Having been at the helm for 15 years of a large organization in the top one percent of its market segment and previously leading a mission-critical division of a major non-profit with a large volunteer workforce, I know firsthand what it means to be a leader pulled in a million different directions, all while trying to motivate people toward industry-disrupting goals with limited resources.

I am passionate about helping leaders become their most successful, healthiest selves, live joyfully, and operate at peak performance levels, even in the face of difficult circumstances or significant challenges. With my background in personal growth and spiritual counseling, I know what it takes to walk alongside senior executives who hunger for more out of life but don’t want to sacrifice their well-being, relationships, and integrity to get there. Whether aiming to restore work/life balance, make a paradigm shift in strategy, or become more intentional in pursuit of ambitious goals, I help my clients tap into their potential and reawaken their personal agency to shape the future for themselves and the people they lead.

Throughout my years in executive leadership, I learned that employees, stakeholders, and board members experience a higher degree of collaboration and motivation when members of the C-suite and heads of business units view themselves as encouragers in chief, operating out of an authentic values-based mindset with a focus on legacy creation as opposed to solely driving financial outcomes and productivity trends. While still being informed and influenced by critical metrics and data insights, this relational approach has proven to be most effective, especially when integrated with proactive organizational communications and strategic, actionable messaging.

When beginning a new coaching relationship, I think the most important perspective is a comprehensive one, which requires both courage and transparency, so I never take for granted what is required of my clients to embark on their journey of transformation and ultimately fulfill their purpose. While it’s not easy, improving self-leadership is one of the most personally and professionally rewarding experiences that any executive can have, and every organization can better thrive as a result.

Mike's profile picture.

Key Credentials

  • More than 30 years of experience in leadership development, coaching and mentoring, talent and volunteer engagement, managing board and stakeholder expectations, conflict resolution and negotiation, and organizational dynamics
  • Proven track record in fostering mission-driven workplace cultures, motivating stakeholders, and cultivating next-generation leaders for organizational success
  • Master’s degree in organizational leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary
  • Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and literature from Pepperdine University
  • Specialties: leadership development, holistic work/life balance, executive coaching in crisis or mission-critical situations, spiritual direction, consensus and coalition building
  • Accomplished motivational speaker and leadership motivator

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