Senior Executive Coach

Kevin Claus

Kevin's Profile Picture.

As a senior executive coach and leadership development expert, I have more than 30 years of experience in leadership development, talent engagement, and executive coaching in fast-paced, high-growth global corporate environments. Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to hold many diverse roles, allowing me to bring a unique perspective to my work as an executive coach. Through my experiences in product management, product development, talent retention and engagement, learning and development, DEI advocacy and training, and organizational development, I have had the opportunity to appreciate a range of perspectives and business challenges, developing critical skills that benefit me and, ultimately, my clients, every day.

My philosophy as an executive coach is rooted in trust, honesty, openness, and passion for driving meaningful and impactful change. I believe that people are at the heart of every organization and empowering your people to thrive in a healthy, innovative culture, a place where a growth mindset and innovation are embraced, is the key to talent engagement and, ultimately, business success. As a coach, I value true connection with my clients, helping them remove obstacles, overcome limiting beliefs, and pave the way to achieving their desired outcomes. I am passionate about partnering with and supporting people to achieve their short- and long-term goals and reach their full potential — both inside and outside of work.

My breadth of business experience has allowed me to understand the mental load that executives face in the form of operational challenges, client needs, and workforce obligations, in addition to the importance of gathering diverse perspectives in an effort to truly engage teams. I value the opportunity to raise awareness, implement new strategies, and pave the way to fulfilling desired outcomes and successes. Incorporating my coaching skills with my background in learning and development — and a firm belief that strong leadership is based on a foundation of trust, empathy, and vulnerability — gives me the ability to be a true partner to my clients, enabling them to reach their full potential.

My personal mission is to play a role in leaving this world in a better, more positive place than when I entered it, and this focus is the cornerstone of my life’s ambitions and the foundation of my coaching philosophy. I bring this motivation to Transcend and help my clients tap into their potential to lead and nourish creative, vibrant, and inclusive cultures that produce a limitless impact within their own enterprise, in their stakeholder networks, customer segments, and the communities in which they live and operate.

Kevin's Profile Picture.

Key Credentials

  • More than 30 years of experience in leadership development, talent engagement, learning and development. and executive coaching in global, dynamic corporate environments
  • Proven track record in cultivating transformative coaching and learning experiences for C-suite leaders in fast-paced, technology-driven cultures
  • Specialties: Transformative coaching, learning and development, leadership development, talent engagement, DEI training and initiatives
  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation
  • Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach
  • Executive Chair, National LGBT Chamber of Commerce – Long Island and Regional New York State Engagement
  • Recognized by Long Island Crisis Center and Pride for Youth for my pro bono work in driving continuous C-suite and staff development, culture change and for ongoing community support
  • State University of New York, Farmingdale

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